Acupuncture is an age-old healing practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves insertion of very fine needles on specific points in the body.
It is an alternative drugless treatment to spark up the natural healing process of the body.
Most importantly in this modern era of side effects, Acupuncture proudly stands apart from the crowd being the zero-side effect modality to heal the body.
Acupuncture department at our Arogyadhama Holistic Research Health Home is well-equipped and spaciously placed with separate divisions for men and women. The hospital is bestowed with a team of highly qualified, dedicated and experienced doctors.
At the end of the treatment patients are imparted with the knowledge of self-care through few acupressure and reflexology points which can be practiced at their ease.

Acupuncture Treatment Center in india


Acupuncture is a treatment of various diseases carried out by inserting very fine needles at the specific points in the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that any imbalance in the flow of energy (Chi/Qi/ Prana) leads to diseases, hence by taking Acupuncture one can channelize the flow of energy (Chi/ Qi/ Prana) in the body and get cured from the diseases.

  • - Very much useful for treating acute and chronic pain
  • - Enhances immunity power and homeostasis of the body
  • - Very much helpful to treat back pain, neck pain and sciatica
  • - Helps to treat anxiety, depression, headache, migraine, sinusitis and bronchial asthma
  • - Treats rheumatoid & osteo-arthritis
  • - Very much helpful to treat various neurological disorders and paralysis
  • - Help for treating gastritis, menstrual disorders, endocrinological disorders
  • - Good for infertility
  • - Enhances the quality of sleep
Facial acupuncture Treatment Center in india

Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture helps the skin look younger, smoother and healthier. It also improves elasticity, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

  • - Helpful for treating acute and chronic pain
  • - Very much useful for treating speech & Swallow disorders
  • - Treats various neurological disorders
  • - Good for Sinusitis
auriculotherapy in india


It is the branch of acupuncture which makes use of the external ear to diagnose as well as treat illness. The twelve meridians are connected with the auricle and the whole body is inversely represented on the auricular surface.

  • - Very much useful for treating acute and chronic pain
  • - Treats migraine & headache
  • - Very good for drug addiction, tinnitus and deafness
  • - Enhances the sleep quality, very good for insomnia
Electric acupuncture treatment in India

Electric Acupuncture

It is a method of acupuncture where an electro-stimulator is used to stimulate the acupuncture point, by connecting it to the head of the needle.

  • - Used to treat acute and chronic pain
  • - Very much helpful to treat paralysis, parkinsonism & neurological disorders
  • - Helpful for treating lumbago, cervical spondylosis and sciatica
Tens Acupuncture treatment in India

Tens Acupuncture

This method consists of small metal plates placed to particular acupuncture points and stimulated electrically in a fashion similar to conventional acupuncture. TENS Acupuncture can be given over or around a painful area and along the course of nerve supplying to the area of interest.

  • - Mostly used in pediatric and geriatric issues
  • - Used to treat acute and chronic pain
moxibustion cupping therapy India


Herb called Artemisia vulgaris, dry powder used as moxa in Acupuncture is called Moxibustion. This Moxa normalizes flow of Qi. The application of heat over a painful area in the body is capable of relieving the pain.

  • - Very much useful to treat acute and chronic pain
  • - Good for relieving of myofascial & neuropathic pain
  • - Helpful for treating Diarrhea and Indigestion
acupressure & reflexology treatment centre

Acupressure & Reflexology

A form of alternative therapy in which manual pressure is used to stimulate specific points on the body along what are considered to be lines of energy. Modalities are used to stimulate the points are as follows: Fingers, feet, elbows, external tools known as Jimmi.

  • - Used to treat acute and chronic pain
  • - Helpful for headache & migraine
  • - Useful for sinusitis
  • - Improves the sleep quality
Cupping Therapy in India

Cupping Therapy

Cupping means the treatment of disease through local congestion or blood stasis by using a small jar or cup, in which vacuum is created by burning a piece of cotton soaked with alcohol which is kept inside, so that oxygen in the jar is consumed and vacuum is created.

  • - Used to treat acute and chronic pain
  • - Helpful for lumbago & cervical spondylosis
  • - Useful for skin diseases
  • - Treats musculoskeletal disorders