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तस्मिन्सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः
तस्मिन् सति, श्वास,प्रश्वासयो: गतिविच्छेद: प्राणायाम:॥
Controlling the motion of the exhalation and the inhalation once this (asana) is accomplished. This is pranayama.

  • Increases lung capacity
  • Strengthens respiratory muscles
  • Improves autonomic functions
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Increases mental strength

निरीक्ष्हेन्निश्छल-दॄशा सूक्ष्ह्म-लक्ष्ह्यं समाहितः |
अश्रु-सम्पात-पर्यन्तमाछार्यैस्त्राटकं समॄतम ||

Being calm, one should gaze steadily at a small mark, till eyes are filled with tears. This is called Trataka by âchâryas

Benefits- Improves concentration, enhances memory and learning, promotes better sleep and general wellbeing.

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Benefits from Yoga Therapy , Ayurveda and Naturopathy Ms Naina from New York describes her experience at Arogyadhama VYASA and recommends a 2 week visit to everybody.
Name: Ms Naina

Improvement in low Vit B12 count , body balancing , burning sensation in feet , high Blood Pressure Mr. Pishu experienced extreme amount of improvement in all aspects of his body issues , i.e; low Vit B12 count , body balancing , burning sensation in feet , high Blood Pressure. This was done by an Integrated approach of treatment at AROGYADHAMA, SVYASA.
Name: Mr. Pishu

Tremendous Improvement in Paralytic and Diabetic Condition Ranganath Desai ji describes his recovery as a patient of Paralysis and also Diabetes.
Name: Ranganath Desai

Ms. Vidya speaks about her Experience of Integrated approach at Arogyadhama, VYASA Ms. Vidya from Singapore is overwhelmed with her experience at Arogyadhama, VYASA and talks about all that is offered on the VYASA campus at Bangalore.
Name: Ms. Vidya

Back Pain, Neck Pain, Foot Pain -All Relieved, Feel Rejuvenated. Padmanabhan Ji and Revati Ji found relief from their neck pain, back pain and foot pain. Benefited from Cyclic Meditation – Special Technique.
Name: Padmanabhan Ji and Revati Ji